Monday, April 29, 2013

12 down!

For those of you who don't know, I used to run track for the University of Iowa, but my career ended about a year ago when i tore my hamstring during practice. Afterwards, I struggled to keep my weight where I wanted it to be because I had such limited ability to workout, and was used to burning thousands of Calories a day, and carb-loading like a crazy person. I ended up gaining 15 pounds! It was a shock to say the least, for a tri-sport athlete who had never been called anything but skinny, fit, or thin her entire life.
As my hamstring healed, and I got tired of feeling gross, I decided to start a new routine; both workout and food! And the blog

I have officially lost 12 pounds from my starting weight of 155! My goal is 140 by the end of school, so I still have a little bit to go, but at my current rate...I have no doubts that it'll happen! Woo hoo!

A couple of things I've (painfully) learned through this journey:
1. You will cheat on your diet, exercise plan, and goals. Move past it, and don't let yourself feel like a failure. I was HORRIBLE with this. Always depressed after I caved and had dessert when I had eaten so well all day, or blew off a workout because I was tired. You cannot blame yourself for needing a break sometimes. Yes, successful weightloss/body changing requires PLANNED cheat meals, but sometimes they will happen without notice and that's okay. You will not lose all of your results after one (delicious) donut.
2. You cannot out-exercise a bad diet. Have you heard the phrase "abs are made in the kitchen and sculpted in the gym"? It's so true! I used to do crunches and v-ups galore trying to get a sexy stomach, when all I needed to do was be more conscious of what I was putting into my body, and lift!
3. Food is fuel. If you treat food like something to satisfy a craving, or a growling stomach, it's already too late; you haven't been fueling your body well enough! Plan your meals beforehand- what time you'll eat them, how much of each macronutrient in each meal, etc. By eating 5-6 small meals throughout the day instead of 3 large meals with "snacks" in between, you keep your metabolism revved, and feel more energized! Fuel your body with what it deserves, and it will show you love back by sculpting itself into a leaner, better body!
4. A gallon a day keeps the fat away! I drink a gallon of water everyday. It helps with energy, suppresses hunger, skin health, and digestive function. Before I actually purchased a gallon container,  I had no idea how short I was on my water intake! Now, although I do have to carry around this jug, I always know if I'm behind for the day.
5. Sleep is critical. Sleeping too much can slow your metabolism down, but not getting enough is far more detrimental. Get enough sleep! Many adults, either in college or older, think that they can get by on 5 hours a night. This is just simply not true. Sleep studies have proven time after time that although your sleep requirement lessens as you age, the minimum never goes below 7 hours! I aim for 8.5 every night, but everyone is a little bit different. Rest is crucial for your body to recover, especially if you are implementing a new exercise program!
6. LIFT WEIGHTS! Ladies, do not fear heavy weights...embrace them! It is a myth that women will get bulky or manly if they lift weights, and that they should do cardio instead. Women simply do not have the levels of testosterone that men do, so lifting will actually work to increase lean body mass, not increase total body mass.

Here's a great resistance exercise I love because it works your arms, chest, back, and abs all at once! Also a good transition between cardio and weights. Your body stays in a straight plank during the whole exercise, your arms are actually the only thing that moves! They're essentially push ups in the air.

Remember: invest in your's the only one you get!
Have a great week!!!
<3 MK

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