100 back squats with barbell:
I did 10 sets of 10 reps to get to 100, and used a weight that was challenging enough to make my legs wobble, but not so hard that I couldn't complete a set fluidly. For me this means 65-70 pounds (my current 1 rep max weight for back squat is 165). I rested for 45-60 seconds in between each set, and about 3 minutes after all 100 reps before moving onto the next exercise.
*Muscle group worked= core, glutes, hamstrings, back, quads
The following exercises use machines:
100 standing glute kickbacks:
I did 10 sets of 10 each leg; doing 10 on the left and then immediately doing 10 on the right to complete a set before taking rest. Rest was 60 seconds!
*Muscle group worked= glutes, hamstrings, lower back.
100 leg extensions:
I did 5 sets of 20 to get to 100 for this exercise, and used 40-50 pounds resistance. Rest between sets was 60 seconds.
*Muscle group worked= quads, hamstrings, core
100 seated leg curls:
I did 5 sets of 20 with 40-45 pounds. Rest was 60 seconds!
*Muscle group worked= hamstrings, glutes, core
I went into the workout prepared to come out the other side feeling tired and definitely expected to be sore the next day...but was super pleasantly surprised that none of the above were true...other than my legs feeling like jello temporarily while walking back to the car, I felt even better than when I walked into the gym an hour earlier! It really refreshed my legs and left me feeling better in general.
On a slightly different note: I got my first personal training job! I will be working at the University of Iowa rec center and could not be more pumped to start!!!! If you live in the area (or know anyone that does) and want to try working with a personal trainer I'd be more than happy to take you on as a client!
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