Tuesday, December 31, 2013

SMART Resolutions

As the New Year approaches, many people around the world realize that they may not have accomplished as much as they would have liked to this year. "What have I really done in 2013 that I can be proud of?"
And then the inevitable happens: the resolution-ers unite!...for about 3 to 4 weeks. That's right, most resolutions don't last past February. But why? Why are so many people so set on reaching new goals, but when the time comes can't commit and follow through?
Well, I'm here to say that resolutions CAN work. There's a big BUT to that statement: BUT most people don't know how to set a goal that is realistic/powerful enough to stick to. 
Here's a little goal setting advice from a psychology and health studies double major (who took oodles of sports psych and nutrition electives...and is a fitness professional...and former college athlete. I've had to learn how to set goals ALOT😉)

First, let's talk about SMART Goals.
S: specificity. Your goals must be specific to your needs an aspirations. Goals are not universal!
M: measurable. Try to identify a way in which you can measure your goal attainment CONCRETELY. For example, losing X number of pounds.
A: attainable. Most goals are attainable, but first you must recognize what needs to be done in order for you to do so. For example, if you've had problems reaching similar goals in the past because of low motivation, this should be the focus of your personal preparation!
R: realistic. You must be both willing and able to make a change and work towards that goal. 
T: time-based. Set a deadline! And mini deadlines to help you stay on track to meet that longer deadline. For example, if you want to lose 15 pounds in 3 months, you could try to evenly lose 5 pounds each month. If this doesn't go as planned at the end of the first time check (first month), you have time to revisit your strategies to help you get to the end goal!

^you better believe I used SMART goal techniques to make this much progress!

Once you've successfully made a goal that fulfills all the requirements of SMART goals...the next hurdle is actually getting your butt in gear and FOLLOWING THROUGH. You can make goals all day everyday, but they're not going to do you any good in your head. Here are a couple of extra tips for success in 2014:
*Tell someone else about your goals. Hell, tell a TON of people. Point is, when you feel that other people are aware of what you need to do to accomplish your goals, it will keep you accountable. Plus, having friends and/or family in on it could be an awesome support system to pump you up when you're striving for success!
*Write your goals down. WRITE THEM DOWN! It seems so silly and simple...but people have been shown to be more successful at reaching goals if they are literally staring them in the face. 
*Practice/ use SELF-TALK. Self talk is a cognitive technique that many athletes practice so they can use when they are stressed, being too hard on themselves, or using other performance hindering behaviors. An example would be to talk oneself through a tough craving if trying to lose weight! By giving yourself examples of why you're being too hard on yourself (ex: if you call yourself fat for eating too much, say "stop! I'm not fat for eating this one thing, I will just remember this unhappy feeling next time I think I need an extra ____, and realize that losing the weight will make me happier than this extra food").

If you'd like any help setting goals for the new year, especially fitness/health goals...let me know! I'd love to help :)


Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Science of Cheat Meals: Why you NEED them.

First of all: I would like to formally announce that I have joined a competition team and will be competing in the spring! I will be competing in the bikini division, and prepping for it NATURALLY. I know many people are skeptical of this sport because they assume everyone is following horrible diets and using illegal substances...but there are a huge number of people who aren't, and I will be one of them!
Go check it all out HERE!

Now, cheat meals are a topic of mass confusion among many people learning how to eat clean. Many can't understand why you would work so hard to make progress with your diet, only to "ruin" it with a big pizza or plate of cheese fries.
Well there is a legitimate scientific reason behind these indulgences, and why most people do them once per week.

First of all, cheat meals will only benefit those who are in a calorie deficit (ex: burning more than they are consuming). This doesn't mean they're necessarily restricting their calories to a super low amount, but rather that their diet plan allows them to have enough carb, fat, and protein to keep a certain deficit after working out everyday. For example, my current prescribed deficit is 500 calories per day, and I do this through carb cycling for my upcoming bikini competition.
Second, cheat meals are working to effect Leptin: a hormone circulating in the blood that helps regulate (suppress) appetite. Leptin levels decrease when you are in a calorie deficit, so cheat meals will increase your leptin levels for a short period of time, and your metabolism will respond positively to expend these additional calories. However, this metabolism spike doesn't immediately disappear after you are done eating your cheat meal...it continues at an elevated level afterwards leading to an even greater energy expenditure and often, fat loss.
Food in general also has a thermogenic effect (the thermogenic effect of food, or TEF), which simply means that your body increases energy expended in addition to metabolism after you eat food in order to aid in digesting that food. This is related to, but independent from leptin levels.

These physiological upsides to cheat meals do not mean everyone who is practicing clean eating should take one day out of the week and eat whatever they want to the point of being sick. Instead, they should be a planned, "responsible cheat" MEAL. Not day.

(The Rock knows how to cheat^)

There is one thing that people should beware of when using cheat meals in their diet plan: the psychological aspects of food. As we know, food is addictive. So if cheat meals aren't controlled enough, they can become mentally degrading, as people will either start to feel like they can't continue their diet without one, or the opposite effect; they may dread them and choose to skip.
Remember that they should be fun and enjoyable. Pick something that you love, that doesn't totally fit your macro nutrient goals, but that won't make you sick. For example, a stack of cinnamon roll pancakes and a side of bacon for a cheat "brunch" (the best meal of any day) will leave me feeling full and satisfied. But if I follow that up with a huge creamy pasta dish with garlic bread and dessert for lunch...I would most likely feel very sick and the whole essence of the cheat meal would be lost. Everyone should follow their own intuition when it comes to choosing a cheat, as not everyone will respond the same way to the same foods. John can eat an entire large pizza to himself when he's hungry for a cheat meal...and I would probably be rolling in pain after half of one.

I hope this helps!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Gallon a Day Keeps the Doctor Away!

Sorry for being MIA for the entire month of September! Jeez, that's a long time. Mainly I've kept busy with new clients and classes, but I have finally found a semi-permanent schedule (T-GOD).

I know that I've previously mentioned that part of my clean-eating lifestyle is drinking a gallon of water per day, but I thought I'd explain a little deeper into why I (and many other body builders) do this!

1. The majority of the human body is water. If you don't actively refill your water stores, you will suffer the effects of dehydration which is harmful in MANY ways.
2. Your skin will thank you. Hydrated skin is happy skin. You will breakout less, have better color, and toxins that exit through the skin will be unhindered.
3. Drinking water will help you lose weight. When you are dehydrated, those toxins that are trying to exit your body are stored in fat cells until the fat can be released safely (under hydrated conditions). Also, drinking water speeds up metabolism for a short period after ingesting; therefore if you are constantly drinking water over the course of the day, your overall metabolism will increase.
4. Water aids in carrying nutrients to the parts of your body that need them! AKA less nutrient deficiency.
5. Water is an energy source for the human body! Want to feel less sluggish and get through the day without passing out at your desk? Grab a gallon and CHUG!
6. Staying properly hydrated can actually decrease your blood pressure, at the least keep it from increasing. Here's why: blood is almost completely composed of water (over 90%) when adequately hydrated. If the body becomes dehydrated, so does your blood, which increases its thickness, leading to increased resistance to blood flow from the surrounding vessels. This increased resistance (or pressure) leads to an increase in the overall blood pressure.
7. Digestive health digestive health digestive health! Do you like being constipated? ME EITHER.
8. Water is zero calories. What more explanation do you need? Not only is it full of health benefits, but it won't effect your calorie intake from foods...AKA being able to eat more...BONUS!

These are just a few of the many reasons I drink a gallon a day. Other than the excessive trips to the bathroom (guilty), I have led a happier, healthier life since starting this regimen.


Monday, August 19, 2013

100 rep KILLER (in a good way) leg workout!

I have found my new favorite leg workout and am slightly (very) obsessed with it. Disclaimer: it will sound crazy to those who haven't tried it...but I promise it made my legs feel better than they ever have after a leg workout. I wouldn't necessarily recommend doing this twice a week, but it's definitely worth it to sub it in for your usual routine once in awhile to switch things up!

100 back squats with barbell:
I did 10 sets of 10 reps to get to 100, and used a weight that was challenging enough to make my legs wobble, but not so hard that I couldn't complete a set fluidly. For me this means 65-70 pounds (my current 1 rep max weight for back squat is 165). I rested for 45-60 seconds in between each set, and about 3 minutes after all 100 reps before moving onto the next exercise.
*Muscle group worked= core, glutes, hamstrings, back, quads

The following exercises use machines:

100 standing glute kickbacks:
I did 10 sets of 10 each leg; doing 10 on the left and then immediately doing 10 on the right to complete a set before taking rest. Rest was 60 seconds!
*Muscle group worked= glutes, hamstrings, lower back.

100 leg extensions:
I did 5 sets of 20 to get to 100 for this exercise, and used 40-50 pounds resistance. Rest between sets was 60 seconds.
*Muscle group worked= quads, hamstrings, core

100 seated leg curls:
I did 5 sets of 20 with 40-45 pounds. Rest was 60 seconds!
*Muscle group worked= hamstrings, glutes, core

I went into the workout prepared to come out the other side feeling tired and definitely expected to be sore the next day...but was super pleasantly surprised that none of the above were true...other than my legs feeling like jello temporarily while walking back to the car, I felt even better than when I walked into the gym an hour earlier! It really refreshed my legs and left me feeling better in general.

On a slightly different note: I got my first personal training job! I will be working at the University of Iowa rec center and could not be more pumped to start!!!! If you live in the area (or know anyone that does) and want to try working with a personal trainer I'd be more than happy to take you on as a client!


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

My love-hate relationship with Pinterest.

I first got my Pinterest account about a year ago. Since then, it has been a nifty way for me to spend my time, especially if I am bored, have an internet connection, and have time to kill. I have found endless craft and DIY ideas that I want to try, some that I have! Ways to better spend your money, beauty tips that you would have never otherwise heard of....pictures of romantic getaways and ideal weddings. What's not to like, right?!
Well, not all that glitters is gold.

The more aware of health and nutrition I become, both from being a Health Studies major, fitness/health enthusiast, and personal trainer...the more aware I am of false claims and advertising about these topics. Pinterest specifically fuels these false claims by allowing anyone to post anything that they please. This is why mine, and probably many other Pinterest-ers' feeds are speckled with Pins such as: How to Lose 10 Pounds in 3 Days the HEALTHY Way! Stop right there folks: there is no healthy way to do this. 10 pounds in 3 days would mean losing over 3 pounds per day, which is INSANE. And even if you do lose this weight, do you really think it'll stay off? Probably not. These claims have you thinking you can lose that pesky 10 pounds by starving yourself or eating nothing but hotdogs and cucumbers (yes this is seriously a claim out there) and that'll be the end of it. DO NOT KID YOURSELF. The only way to lose weight and KEEP it off is to make a LIFESTYLE change. Stop thinking of it as "dieting", and start thinking about it as changing your eating habits for the better. I promise, you will feel more fulfilled and rewarded than ever before. Instead of depriving yourself, you are treating your body with the respect it deserves by fueling it with wholesome foods... and you know what happens when you eat healthy, non-processed foods? YOU LOSE BODY FAT...BONUS!

Celebrity trainer Barry Jay, founder of Barry’s Bootcamp, who has put the likes of Kim Kardashian and Katie Holmes through their paces, offers three fitness moves to attack that muffin from the top, bottom and the middle!...NO.

I used to be totally guilty of buying into these ads too...nobody is perfect. I even started a cleanse last spring after I tore my hamstring during outdoor track season and was feeling really down about not being able to workout. But do you know what happened? I got so sick that I was vomiting nearly all day long, and had to stop before day 1 was even over. Consuming nothing but melons and water for an entire day? WHAT? WHY?! Once I stopped looking for a quick fix and decided to make a lifestyle change, the results started showing.

When you lead a clean eating lifestyle, you are not "on a diet"...you "HAVE a diet"! It is a part of your everyday routine, and you will be healthier and happier because of it.

(Rant over)

PS- I still LOVE Pinterest and visit it multiple times a week...I'm just advocating smart consuming of pins!!!
Seriously...who could NOT pin this face?!
those ears.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Baby got BACK...and biceps.

Here's a rundown of what I do once a week to target my back and biceps!

Cable curls: 4 sets of 10 each arm

Hammer curls: 2 sets of 10, 2 sets of 8 each arm

Bent over barbell rows:  4 sets of 10
-Bend at the waist keeping the chest up and forward, with a slight bend in the knees. Hold the bar with your hands about shoulder width apart and pull up towards your chest, keeping a tight core.

Single arm dumbbell rows (over bench): 2 sets of 10, 2 sets of 8 each arm
-Hold dumbbell in right hand with right palm turned in towards left side of body, place left hand (and knee if desired for additional support) on bench. The right leg should be slightly bent. Pull right arm up until dumbbell reaches chest height, then lower and repeat.

Back extensions w/ weight: 4 or 5 sets of 10

Pull ups: 8, 6, 5, 4, 3...(decreasing assistance each set)
-Assistance can be given manually from a partner, with a resistance band under your feet (anchored in place in the squat rack), or using an assisted pull-up machine. I prefer the resistance band method!

This workout takes me about 45 minutes when resting for 35 seconds between sets and 2 minutes between exercises! Most of my lifting workouts are about 45 minutes long, I rarely go longer than an hour because I monitor how much rest I'm taking pretty well with my Polar watch/heart rate monitor.

Hope you all have fabulous workouts today!

Monday, July 22, 2013

I'm certified ya'll!

This past week I earned the title of ACE certified personal trainer! For those who don't know, ACE is the American Council on Exercise, a nationally renowned and recognized organization in the health and fitness industry! I am proud to hold this title, and can't wait to get started changing more lives through fitness and nutrition programs!
I have a had numerous requests for programs and training in the past, and was hesitant to start before becoming certified...so I'm sorry for the wait! But I will be training, both in person and online very soon!
If you're interested in an individualized program please let me know! I am super pumped to be able to offer my services as an athlete and clean eater!
Here's a link to ACE's website:
if you want to check out what being certified through ACE means!
Photo: OFFICIALLY AN ACE CERTIFIED PERSONAL TRAINER!!!! Ahhhh I'm so FLIPPIN EXCITED! Can't wait to start training! ✏

Hope everyone is having a great day!
It was leg day for me...I highly recommend making Mondays your leg days (or one of them if you do two like me)! It helps you avoid the "chest Monday" craze that has swept gyms all over for whatever reason. Most people like to start their week off with something they enjoy training; which for most people is NOT legs. But I don't like to look at it that way...think of it as getting the hardest training day out of the way so you can enjoy your week without dreading it!


Friday, July 5, 2013

My Grocery List!

I've had quite a few questions from Instagram and facebook messages about what I buy when I go grocery shopping, so here's a list of the main foods I buy. I don't get each item every time, but this is a complete list as if I had depleted everything in my kitchen and were starting from scratch haha.

Green beans

Ground Turkey (at least 93% lean)
Chicken boob
Lean beef (less often)
Egg Whites
Non-fat greek yogurt
Whey isolate protein powder (usually order this/get it from a nutrition store, not the grocery store)

Rice Cakes
Brown rice
Sweet potatoes

PB2 (powdered peanut butter...in one of my previous posts)
All natural organic peanut butter

cooking spray

As you can see, I don't eat alot of carbs...that's just how my meal plan is structured and everyone is entitled to their own opinion about carb loading/depletion! :)

Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A$$ A$$ A$$. (Leg/glute workout)

Personally, I don't know why so many people fear "leg day"...I LIVE FOR THE BURN! Seriously, what feels better than waking up the next morning with dead legs?! (Cricket...cricket) Haha okay maybe I'm a little weird in that sense but honestly, I love working my lower body.
This workout is my general leg day arsenal of exercises. Some days I'll substitute others in depending on injuries/how my body is feeling, but I generally use these!
1. (Deep) Back squats
 Start by standing feet shoulder-width apart, with the bar across your upper back/shoulders.

 Start the squat motion by acting as if you are going to sit back in a chair. You should not bend over at the waist, instead keep your chest up and focus on moving only your lower body.
 The end position: knees directly over or slightly behind toes (this angle is a little weird for seeing this), chest still up and forward. When pushing back up to return to the start position, use your legs and core, NOT your back. This could (and has for me) lead to serious injuries.

2. Dumbbell Lunges

Step one foot out in front of your body at a (near) 90 degree angle, leaving the other behind and bent at a (near) 90 degree angle. Push up on front foot and pull back leg forward to alternate the motion between legs. Repeat!
3. RDL
 Start with your knees slightly bent (too straight may strain your back and/or hamstrings), holding the bar in front of your body.
Slowly bend down, keeping your chest elevated while lowering the bar to your shins.
This exercise can also be done as "Single leg RDL". One leg is anchored to the ground as the other stays lifted and not assisting in any way. It requires more balance, and you will have to do less weight than with both legs because of the added effort of each anchor leg. Try them both and see which you prefer!


Friday, June 7, 2013

OOIAJ! (Recipe)

I have been hearing of a lot of people trying this "overnight oats in a jar" deal lately and decided to try my own recipe last night. BOY was it worth it.
Here's what I used in mine:
1/2 cup dry oats
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
3/4 cup (vanilla) greek yogurt
1 cup almond milk (I use Blue Diamond vanilla)
2 tbsp chocolate PB2 (powdered peanut butter)
a dash of chia seeds (didn't really measure)
1 Dole banana

 The visual finished product definitely doesn't do the taste justice lol...
 This is what it looked like last night before I stuck it in the fridge.
Birds eye view...

Layer all ingredients on top of the oats (the order I listed them in above was my order), put a lid on your jar and stick it in the fridge overnight. In the morning...eat. SERIOUSLY it's that easy and they will blow your mind people. I highly suggest trying this. It's great for on-the-go, and HEALTHY. I don't know if there's a better combination in the morning, especially since I'm usually running late anywhere I go haha.
640 Calories (I split it up into two meals)
13g Fat
88g Carb
47g Protein

Half the reason I'm so excited about this revelation is because there are endless possibilities for flavors! Different flavored protein powder, all kinds of fruits, nut butter...WHATEVER YOU WANT.
Enjoy :)


Monday, June 3, 2013

Shoulder Circuit. Grow those boulders!

One area that women especially have trouble building is their shoulders! Having perky, firm rounded shoulders looks good on EVERYONE...so here is a workout that I have found results with!
Each exercise is 10 reps per set, and I usually do 5 sets.

1. Dumbbell lateral raises ("T's" and/or "Y's")

Start by holding dumbbells in your hands straight down in front of you, palms facing each other.
Next, raise your arms to make a "T" shape...I often hyperextend this motion to make more of a "Y"...but if you're doing this unintentionally it can be an indication that you aren't doing enough weight and should up your load. Be mindful of controlling your motions to make them fluid, but
strong. You shouldn't be throwing your arms up, but instead RAISING them.

2. Dumbbell anterior raises
 Start in the same position as lateral raises, except position your hands so that your palms are facing your legs. Your core should be TIGHT!
Raise your arms up in front of you, keeping them straight. I love this exercise because it works your core SUPER well at the same time as shoulder group! You should end each rep with your arms straight out at a 90 degree angle from your chest, parallel with the ground.

3. Dumbbell shoulder press
No pictures for these I APOLOGIZE! I got way into my workout and forgot to stop myself. I do shoulder press standing to get additional core work, but sitting works your shoulders just as well, and lots of people do it that way.
To do the exercise: Stand with dumbbells in hands just above shoulders, then press the weights up until your arms are straight and the dumbbells are directly above your shoulders. Lower, and repeat!

4. Hyper extension shoulder circuit ("I's T's and Y's")
This machine is in most gyms, and is really easy to use. All you do is rest your quadriceps (front of your thighs) on the pads, and put your feet/calves under the padded rollers for support! It WILL hold all your weight when you bend down so don't worry about that.
 Start with the dumbbells straight down in front of your face, palms facing each other.
Raise your arms so that they are in-line with your back, and parallel to the ground. These are the "T's" (because of the shape you make with your body)...so the "Y's" and "I's" use the same technique, the end position is just slightly different to make the different shapes (or angles, however you'd like to look at it).
Sorry for the crazy light show in these pics...my workout fell directly in-sync with the sunset and my gym is completely GLASS haha.

Hope you enjoy, let me know what you think/if you have any questions! (Remember: I am not yet a certified personal trainer. All of the information given here is from my background in weight lifting while apart of a division 1 track and field program with professional coaches)

Find me and ask questions on Instagram as well! @mtschmitt77


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Surviving holiday weekends/wedding season!

Hello all! Hope you had a great 3 day weekend!
I headed to Palm Coast, Florida for a beach wedding and was VERY excited...HOWEVER: I was very disappointed in myself last time I went to Florida (for spring break) because I went totally off my clean eating plan.
SOOOOO here's what I changed this time around to make sure I don't regret this amazing trip!

1. New mindset.
Frankly, when I went on spring break, I was new to this clean eating, weight lifting lifestyle, and felt weak when it came to control over food, drinking, and working out. I would do so well for about 5 days or a week, and then if I caved and had a bad "binge" day, I would feel so defeated...leading to a chain of bad decisions. In short, what I was missing was CONSISTENCY.
I have gained so much confidence in myself over the past two months, and I can't imagine giving up on my goals. I think this is due in large part to positive self-talk, my uber-supportive boyfriend, and literally checking things off my list as I did them. Keeping a detailed record of what I eat and how many Calories I burn during each workout has been crucial for me to learn what works best for my body. I'm looking forward to the day that I can better "eyeball" portions instead of grabbing a measuring cup, but without the initial steps I've been taking none of that would be possible! Remember: everyone is different. We have different goals, bodies, personalities, tastes...there is not one solitary workout/meal plan that can be applied to everyone. That's part of what I've grown to love about this journey-it's personal.

2. New meal plan.
I have substituted some less nutrient-dense foods for those with higher micro/macro nutrient content. An example would be: Eating quinoa or brown rice instead of white rice. Although they are both "carbs"...white rice has less of the nutrients that your body needs than the other carb options. Now I know to order sweet potato as a substitute for regular potato products. Even if they are in FRIES form ...its a better trade...especially if you're sitting poolside and your options are extremely limited.

3. Upgraded body.
Being able to SEE progress instead of just trust that it is happening is definitely a way to get rid of the little voice in your head telling you to "go ahead and eat the donut". Unfortunately, there is no way to get to this point without HARD WORK and lots of dedication. There is no magic pill. There is only you! I was able to look in the mirror every morning and say DAMN that's a bikini body to be proud of, instead of thinking 'well, I guess I can spare a couple more bad days because I still have a long ways to go'.

4. Cheat MEALS not cheat DAYS.
My meals were actually pretty on point! I was kind of proud of how well I did with keeping on track. The first night I had grilled salmon on a bed of kale and almonds. The second, baked chicken, roasted veggies and a side salad. Hello healthy! The area I ended up cheating in was definitely carbs from alcohol. Disclaimer: I don't drink on a daily basis, or even a weekly basis. But this is because I choose to use those macros for food instead of alcohol...not because I don't like a glass of wine or a beer now and then! If you're not a drinker...treat yourself with a wedding cake cheat! YUM.

The weather here was hard to come back to...we're under a tornado watch all night! And I'm at work in a big glass office building...YIKES lol.
Have a great week! And if you cheated on your plan this weekend...give yourself a break. It's not the end of the world, and shit happens. Today is as great of a day to start over as any!


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I'll have my bacon with a side of bacon.

If you're like most people (and dogs) in the world...you LOVE you some bacon. John is no different. He would have bacon at every meal if he could. But alas, since I cook for him most of the time, he does not get bacon at every meal. I will however make him bacon-wrapped goodies sometimes...so here ya go!
Bacon wrapped egg muffins:
Spray muffin pans with non-stick spray, wrap bacon strips around the edge of each muffin slot...
 Crack eggs inside of the bacon...
 Bake at 425 degrees for 25 minutes...and BOOM!
Look how YUMMY these look! Gah I wanted to eat them all, but I made myself some plain egg white muffins as a substitute :(
These could be easily made with turkey bacon instead of pork, which is what I plan to do next time so that I can get my bacon fix too!
Each muffin (with whole egg and bacon) is about 150 Calories (12 g Fat, 0 g Carb, 10 g Protein), but this will vary depending on your egg size and bacon thickness/smoke flavor.
If you make them with bacon and egg WHITES, the macros look more like: 95 Calories (6 g Fat, 1 g Carb, 8 g Protein). I usually use whites instead of eggs when I make eggs for myself to reduce fat content, but occasionally I'll indulge :)

Whatever variation you choose, these are delicious and a satisfying treat if you're craving something savory in the morning! They also keep really well, so I made about 20 and they kept for a week or so :)
Hope you have a great day!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Start of summer= sweet potato fries!

IT'S OFFICIALLY SUMMER! For this college student at least :p
I am finished with final exams and feeling GREAT about continuing this new lifestyle into the summer months. Who says you can't have a "summer body" year round?! Not this girl!

I have been experimenting a little more lately, as I started getting bored with my rotation of 3 lean meats and 3 kinds of roasted veggies. Don't get me wrong, keeping it simple makes it SO much easier to stay on track and know that you're meeting your Macro goals, especially when you're new to this like I was. But every once and awhile it's nice to find something that fits that is fun, too!

My latest creation was a batch (or two) of sweet potato fries (baked of course).
A couple of tips that I learned the hard way through my less-than-successful first batch:
Make sure the slices are THIN! Otherwise they may not cook enough in the center and will be too hard/raw. Mine cooked a tiny bit unevenly the first time, so I reduced the size for the second batch and they were perfect!
Sea salt is your best friend when it comes to sweet potato fries. A couple of fries happened to get missed when I put my sea salt on, so I was able to compare and WOAH was I glad the vast majority were salted. (I always use sea salt when salting something, as compared to regular table salt)

Directions for baking:
Peel as many sweet potatoes as you'd like to use.

 Chop/slice them into "fries".
Lay a sheet of parchment paper onto a baking sheet. Spread the raw fries onto the sheet, trying to keep space between them (at least make sure they don't overlap if they are touching).
Mine looked like this:
Sprinkle with sea salt and extra virgin olive oil (don't need much of the EVOO).
Pop them in the oven for 20 minutes at 450! They should be turned once or twice to ensure even browning! Let them sit for about 5 minutes before eating, and wala!
^This picture really doesn't do them justice, but it was midnight when I was taking them, so forgive me haha.

I hope you try these and ENJOY! I love love LOVED them, and guess what?! John did too! And he hates sweet potatoes! It was a miracle.
More recipes to come soon! I HAVE SO MUCH MORE TIME TO MAKE FOOD MUAHAHA :p


Saturday, May 4, 2013


Like many people, I was confused when quinoa started to make a serious surge in the past couple of years...mainly as to what it really WAS. It didn't look like rice, pasta, beans...what the heck is this stuff?! But branching out and trying some quinoa recipes has made me a quinoa believer.
Here are some (organic) quinoa facts:
gluten free
cholesterol free
whole grain
and it is packed full of protein which is a double bonus! 

Here's an awesome recipe that is simple, healthy, and tasty!

 Ingredients you'll need:
veggies! You can really use any that you like, as long as they will sautee well! I used tomato, asparagus, and bell peppers. If you'd like to include animal protein, I would suggest shrimp to go along with the stir fry theme.
 Heat a non-stick skillet to medium heat, add about a tablespoon and a half of olive oil, and add your chopped veggies! If you're using tomato, I would suggest waiting a couple of minutes before adding it to the rest of the mix because it cooks much faster. I cooked everything for about 10 minutes, but just watch and see when the textures look right for your taste!
Then simply add the cooked veggies (and shrimp if you have it) to a cup of quinoa, and BOOM! You have a healthy, yummy meal in about 15 minutes!
I used organic "ready-to-eat" quinoa (pre-cooked), but if you buy it raw, it cooks just like rice!
I have also heard that you can cook it using broth instead of water to give it a little more flavor, but since I didn't cook mine, I can't attest to how well this works!

I hope you try it if you haven't before, and please let me know how you like it! I love discovering a new food that I've never tried before :) 


Monday, April 29, 2013

12 down!

For those of you who don't know, I used to run track for the University of Iowa, but my career ended about a year ago when i tore my hamstring during practice. Afterwards, I struggled to keep my weight where I wanted it to be because I had such limited ability to workout, and was used to burning thousands of Calories a day, and carb-loading like a crazy person. I ended up gaining 15 pounds! It was a shock to say the least, for a tri-sport athlete who had never been called anything but skinny, fit, or thin her entire life.
As my hamstring healed, and I got tired of feeling gross, I decided to start a new routine; both workout and food! And the blog began...lol

I have officially lost 12 pounds from my starting weight of 155! My goal is 140 by the end of school, so I still have a little bit to go, but at my current rate...I have no doubts that it'll happen! Woo hoo!

A couple of things I've (painfully) learned through this journey:
1. You will cheat on your diet, exercise plan, and goals. Move past it, and don't let yourself feel like a failure. I was HORRIBLE with this. Always depressed after I caved and had dessert when I had eaten so well all day, or blew off a workout because I was tired. You cannot blame yourself for needing a break sometimes. Yes, successful weightloss/body changing requires PLANNED cheat meals, but sometimes they will happen without notice and that's okay. You will not lose all of your results after one (delicious) donut.
2. You cannot out-exercise a bad diet. Have you heard the phrase "abs are made in the kitchen and sculpted in the gym"? It's so true! I used to do crunches and v-ups galore trying to get a sexy stomach, when all I needed to do was be more conscious of what I was putting into my body, and lift!
3. Food is fuel. If you treat food like something to satisfy a craving, or a growling stomach, it's already too late; you haven't been fueling your body well enough! Plan your meals beforehand- what time you'll eat them, how much of each macronutrient in each meal, etc. By eating 5-6 small meals throughout the day instead of 3 large meals with "snacks" in between, you keep your metabolism revved, and feel more energized! Fuel your body with what it deserves, and it will show you love back by sculpting itself into a leaner, better body!
4. A gallon a day keeps the fat away! I drink a gallon of water everyday. It helps with energy, suppresses hunger, skin health, and digestive function. Before I actually purchased a gallon container,  I had no idea how short I was on my water intake! Now, although I do have to carry around this jug, I always know if I'm behind for the day.
5. Sleep is critical. Sleeping too much can slow your metabolism down, but not getting enough is far more detrimental. Get enough sleep! Many adults, either in college or older, think that they can get by on 5 hours a night. This is just simply not true. Sleep studies have proven time after time that although your sleep requirement lessens as you age, the minimum never goes below 7 hours! I aim for 8.5 every night, but everyone is a little bit different. Rest is crucial for your body to recover, especially if you are implementing a new exercise program!
6. LIFT WEIGHTS! Ladies, do not fear heavy weights...embrace them! It is a myth that women will get bulky or manly if they lift weights, and that they should do cardio instead. Women simply do not have the levels of testosterone that men do, so lifting will actually work to increase lean body mass, not increase total body mass.

Here's a great resistance exercise I love because it works your arms, chest, back, and abs all at once! Also a good transition between cardio and weights. Your body stays in a straight plank during the whole exercise, your arms are actually the only thing that moves! They're essentially push ups in the air.

Remember: invest in your body...it's the only one you get!
Have a great week!!!
<3 MK

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

"Nuts" for these goodies!

John was away this past weekend...at the MASTER'S. Lucky a** lol. But Bear and I had plenty of fun while he was gone at the dog park, going for walks and car rides, and napping on the couch watching girlie movies :D.
He brought back this super cute half-zip for me which was so sweet! I love it and have already worn it everyday that he's been back haha.

On a "foodie" note, I am seriously loving my new organic goodies. I am all about the convenience of PB2 and how low fat/high protein it is! I've been mixing PB2 (w/water), chia seeds, and banana together for a tasty breakfast on-the-go! For those of you who aren't familiar with PB2, it's a powdered peanut butter that you can add to whatever you'd like for a boost of nutrients without the fat and oils of the processed kinds! No more skippy for this girl!
This is the first time I've actually tried any of these items, and the hardest to get used to is definitely almond butter. SUCH a strong taste. But it goes great with sliced apples for a pre-workout :)

Have an amazing day! It's thunderstorming like CRAZY here, and I have a day full of studying and coffee ahead of me :)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Snack time is the BEST time.

Lately I have grown a new appreciation for my "meals in between meals"...aka the 2nd and 4th meals of my day (I always shoot for 5). 1, 3 and 5 are the classic breakfast, lunch and dinner times...or about 7am, 1pm and 7pm. But the exciting 10am and 4pm meals are really what it's all about!
Here are a couple of "snack" meals I've made myself lately that I absolutely love for quick, easy and delicious food.
#1: edamame with smoked salmon!
I love this because its essentially all raw! How cooked/warm you like your edamame is really personal preference, but I tend to get the steam-in-the-bag variety...which still only takes 4 minutes! I'm not very picky on brand of smoked salmon, but 2 ounces is definitely enough because of how strong the taste is. Altogether this meal was 293 calories: 10.8 grams fat, 18 grams carb, and 31 grams protein! Such an easy way to get protein!!!

#2: avocado caprese salad!
D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S. Seriously though, I think this is the new "staple salad" in our house. Just cut up a large vine tomato, one avocado, and fresh mozzarella (as much as you'd like). I used a whole pound of moz and it was a little cheese heavy, but just barely...so next time I'll probably use a little more of the other two! I seasoned mine with fresh ground pepper and it was perfectly simple. John got a little crafty and added sea salt to his and said it was good too! The calories for this really depend on how much of each ingredient you scoop up...but it is super low-cal and healthy!

 #3: green beans and sea scallops!
I love this for my 4th meal in late afternoon! So simple yet filling! I usually steam my green beans unless I am including them in a stir fry or something along those lines. Scallops can be cooked so many different ways, but so far my favorite is pan-searing in a tiny bit of olive oil! Total calories were 176: 0.5 grams fat, 13.4 grams carb, and 13.7 grams protein!

Have a wonderful evening! 
MK <3

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Keep calm...cheat meals are in sight!

Spring is FINALLY here! Thank god, I have been going through PSBD (post-spring break depression) and wearing sandals feels oh so good.
I have been having some serious success lately; down a couple of pounds, skin looking radiant, and less migraines! Clean eating has been so good to me. But (to bring the post title into this) it is so important to reward yourself! Even the most dedicated and motivated person will crash and burn if they don't have their own personal light at the end of the tunnel. This week, mine was PANCAKES! Oh my gosh, after keeping my carbs to a bare minimum these were so delicious and a great way to follow up my Sunday morning cardio.
The rest of the day was spent getting new workout gear (YAY) and grilling for dinner with some friends :) I had a turkey burger wrapped in lettuce instead of a bun, green beans, and wild rice! A semi-cheat, but still awesome! 
(Sorry for the less-than quality picture)

Have a great week! I can't wait to break out my spring clothes!!!