Monday, June 3, 2013

Shoulder Circuit. Grow those boulders!

One area that women especially have trouble building is their shoulders! Having perky, firm rounded shoulders looks good on here is a workout that I have found results with!
Each exercise is 10 reps per set, and I usually do 5 sets.

1. Dumbbell lateral raises ("T's" and/or "Y's")

Start by holding dumbbells in your hands straight down in front of you, palms facing each other.
Next, raise your arms to make a "T" shape...I often hyperextend this motion to make more of a "Y"...but if you're doing this unintentionally it can be an indication that you aren't doing enough weight and should up your load. Be mindful of controlling your motions to make them fluid, but
strong. You shouldn't be throwing your arms up, but instead RAISING them.

2. Dumbbell anterior raises
 Start in the same position as lateral raises, except position your hands so that your palms are facing your legs. Your core should be TIGHT!
Raise your arms up in front of you, keeping them straight. I love this exercise because it works your core SUPER well at the same time as shoulder group! You should end each rep with your arms straight out at a 90 degree angle from your chest, parallel with the ground.

3. Dumbbell shoulder press
No pictures for these I APOLOGIZE! I got way into my workout and forgot to stop myself. I do shoulder press standing to get additional core work, but sitting works your shoulders just as well, and lots of people do it that way.
To do the exercise: Stand with dumbbells in hands just above shoulders, then press the weights up until your arms are straight and the dumbbells are directly above your shoulders. Lower, and repeat!

4. Hyper extension shoulder circuit ("I's T's and Y's")
This machine is in most gyms, and is really easy to use. All you do is rest your quadriceps (front of your thighs) on the pads, and put your feet/calves under the padded rollers for support! It WILL hold all your weight when you bend down so don't worry about that.
 Start with the dumbbells straight down in front of your face, palms facing each other.
Raise your arms so that they are in-line with your back, and parallel to the ground. These are the "T's" (because of the shape you make with your body) the "Y's" and "I's" use the same technique, the end position is just slightly different to make the different shapes (or angles, however you'd like to look at it).
Sorry for the crazy light show in these workout fell directly in-sync with the sunset and my gym is completely GLASS haha.

Hope you enjoy, let me know what you think/if you have any questions! (Remember: I am not yet a certified personal trainer. All of the information given here is from my background in weight lifting while apart of a division 1 track and field program with professional coaches)

Find me and ask questions on Instagram as well! @mtschmitt77


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